Scheme Of Coaching & Allied For Scheduled Castes 2024 अनुसूचित जातियों के लिए कोचिंग एवं संबद्ध योजना Jharkhand Government

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अनुसूचित जाति (एससी) के अभ्यर्थियों को प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं में सफलता पाने के लिए बेहतर अवसर प्रदान करने तथा समान अवसर उपलब्ध कराने के लिए अनुसूचित जनजाति, अनुसूचित जाति, अल्पसंख्यक और पिछड़ा वर्ग कल्याण विभाग ने वंचित अनुसूचित जाति के अभ्यर्थियों के लिए गुणवत्तापूर्ण कोचिंग संस्थानों में कोचिंग और परीक्षा-पूर्व प्रशिक्षण की योजना शुरू की है, ताकि वे प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं में शामिल हो सकें और सार्वजनिक/निजी क्षेत्र में उपयुक्त नौकरी प्राप्त करने में सफल हो सकें।

 Implementation of the scheme:

  • Registered Private Coaching Institutions/ NGO’s running their centre in the State of Jharkhand shall be covered under the scheme.
  •  Coaching Institutions/NGO’s selected under the scheme have to run the coaching program at Ranchi and Dumka.
  •  If any Coaching Institution runs coaching at different centres in different districts/cities of Jharkhand separate proposal (s) shall be submitted for each district/city.
  •  The coaching institutions will be selected for the course period only in a financial year. Fresh proposal will be invited for the next financial year.
  •  The total number of students including non SC students shall not exceed 40 per class, admission being based on merit. The total number of SC students admitted shall preferably contain 30% women SC candidates and 5% disabled SC candidates. Maximum ten percent (10 %) of the total students in a batch can be selected from a particular district of Jharkhand.
  •  Candidates for free coaching under the scheme will be selected by the department and a list of selected candidates will be provided to the selected coaching institution for imparting coaching to them.
  •  Candidates can avail coaching once only under the scheme for a particular competitive exam and a maximum of two coaching courses in all.(Undertaken to be submitted).
  •  Within one week of start of coaching classes, the institute shall furnish the course-wise names of the candidates with photographs enrolled for coaching along with other details and full address in the prescribed format.

 Courses to be covered:

 The courses for which the coaching will be imparted shall be as follows:

  1. Civil Services Examination/State Civil Services Examination.
  2. Entrance Exams for Medical, Engineering, MBA and other professional courses.
  3. Other exams conducted by U.P.S.C. like CDS, NDA, etc./Staff Selection Commission Exams/Subordinate/Lower Subordinate Services Exam, Central Excise, etc.
  4. BSRBs/RRBs, General Insurance Corporation, etc.

Terms and Conditions:

Some of the key terms and conditions that should be furnished by the Coaching Institutions while submitting the application:

  • The grantee institution shall not utilize the grant for any partisan, political or anti-government propaganda.
  • The stipend and support for boarding/lodging to students as provided under the scheme shall be disbursed monthly by the Institute through a/c payee cheques.
  • The institute shall claim grant in respect of SC candidates only. In case it has coaching facilities for other categories also, grant-in-aid will be given only in respect of SC students under this scheme.
  • The institute shall accept SC certificates in prescribed proforma duly issued by the Competent Authority like Collector/Deputy Collector/Tehsildar etc of State Government .
  • The institute shall obtain an undertaking from each of the admitted candidate that once he is admitted for the course he will not leave the course in between without assigning proper justification to the satisfaction of the Department of Tribal Affairs otherwise, he is liable to refund back to the Government of Jharkhand all the expenses incurred on his coaching.
  • The institute shall also obtain an undertaking from the candidate that he is not receiving/has not received any such coaching under any scheme of Government of Jharkhand/Government of India.
  • The organization shall not charge any fees from the beneficiaries.
  • The total number of students including non SC students shall not exceed 40 per class, admission being based on merit. The total number of SC students admitted shall preferably contain 30% women SC candidates and 5% disabled SC candidates. Maximum ten percent (10 %) of the total students in a batch can be selected from a particular district of Jharkhand.
  •  Benefits

  • The financial assistance shall also be provided for boarding and lodging to the outstation students @ Rs.2000/- per month per student. The concerned coaching institute shall make arrangements for outstation students and shall certify that the candidate is an outstation student.
  • The financial assistance in respect of various courses would be as follows:
S. No.Name of Competitive ExamPeriod of CoachingCoaching fees to Institution per candidate (in Rs./₹)
1.Civil Services/ State Civil Services (Prelims)5 Months₹ 22,000/-
2.Civil Services/ State Civil Services (Mains)4 Months₹ 15,000/-
3.Entrance Exams for Medical, Engg., MBA and other6 Months₹ 15,000/-
4.Other exams conducted by U.P.S.C. like CDS, NIDA, etc./Staff Selection Commission Exam/ Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission Exam etc.3 Months₹ 10,000/-


Eligibility for the Coaching Institution:

  • Should be a Registered private institutions/Non-governmental organizations (NGO).
  • The institution should have the experience to run coaching for competitive examinations for at least three years.
  • The institution should have not been declared bankrupt at any point of time.
  • The institution should have not been blacklisted by any debarment or body of the Government at any point of time.
  • The institution should have the capacity to manage the building/space to run coaching classes from its own resources at Ranchi and Dumka.

Eligibility for the Candidates:

  • Should belong to Scheduled Caste (SC) category.
  • Should be a resident of Jharkhand.
  • Should have the eligible qualifications for the mentioned competitive exams.
  • The income ceiling of candidate (income of self and/or income of parents, if dependent on them) should not exceed ₹ 2,50,000/- per annum.

Application Process


For Institute

Step 01: Take printout of all the forms and annexures from the scheme guideline and fill properly.

Step 02: The application form and all annexures should be properly indexed by putting a page no. and index should be placed on the top of the application form.

Step 03: A soft copy in a virus free, fresh floppy/CD to be also submitted.

Step 04: Application in the prescribed format should be submitted to the below mentioned department as soon as the advertisement is published by the Department in the national dailies:

Department of Scheduled Tribe, Scheduled Caste, Minority and Backward Class Welfare

Project Bhawan, Dhurwa,

Ranchi – 834004

 Documents Required

  1. Application Form (Refer Form I)
  2. Budget estimates.
  3. Audited accounts for last three years.
  4. Results of last three years (with grading) vis-à-vis intake.
  5. Details of Faculty and their academic/professional qualification.
  6. Details of SC Beneficiaries.
  7. Confirmation by concerned Deputy Commissioner regarding genuineness of institution as per Annexure III of the application form).
  8. Registration Certificate.
  9. List of Management Committee.
  10. Surety Bond signed by the full Executive Committee (in the prescribed format).
  11. Acceptance of Terms & Conditions (as in Appendix).
  12. The undertaking by the institution to the effect that the institute has not received grant for the same purpose from any other Department/Department of the Central or State Government.
  13. After completion of the course the coaching institution will be required to submit the results in the prescribed format (attached as Form-II) of the SC candidates given coaching under the scheme.

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Tag :Jharkhand Gov,

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